PawCheck® Products

Better Health Monitoring for Pets

Enable accurate, easy health checks for vets and pet owners alike.

PawCheck® products from ITL BioMedical provide veterinarians and pet parents alike with innovative solutions for proactive animal health monitoring. Designed to simplify and enhance the process of collecting and analyzing pet urine, each product in this family ensures accuracy, convenience, and reliability. 

With a focus on non-invasive methods, reusable components, and comprehensive diagnostic capabilities, the PawCheck® product family stands out as a leader in home veterinary care, empowering pet owners to take proactive steps in monitoring and maintaining their pets’ health.

Whether it’s routine screening or managing specific health conditions like UTIs in dogs and cats, PawCheck® offers the essential tools you need for at-home testing.

PawCheck® Cat Litter for Urine Collection

Simplified, Effective Urine Collection for Cats

PawCheck® P-Scoop® Plus Urine Collector

Precision Urine Collection for Large Dogs and Other Animals

PawCheck® P-Scoop® Urine Collector

Simplified Urine Collection for Small to Medium Dogs

PawCheck® Urinary Tract Infection Kit

Fast, Accurate Home Screening for UTIs in Cats and Dogs

PawCheck® UTI Test Kit for Cats with Non-Absorbent, Reusable Cat Litter

Simple, Accurate, and Non-Invasive Home Test for Cat UTIs